08.01 13:50
60 Min
Dok nas novac ne rastavi
Bernal odlučuje imenovati Isabelu za šeficu prodavača. Jaime govori Méndezu i Leonor o čemu je razgovarao s Lucianom. (DIVA)
08.01 13:50
60 Min
Until Money Do Us Part
Rafael is a poor salesman and a noble man who has dedicated his life selling his household items. Rafael and Alejandra, who is a succesfull businesswoman, will suffer a car accident that will only... (Diva)
08.01 14:50
60 Min
Dok nas novac ne rastavi
Méndez i Luciano postižu dogovor: platit će dio duga, a Leonorina kuća bit će jamstvo za tu isplatu. (DIVA)
08.01 14:50
60 Min
Until Money Do Us Part
Rafael is a poor salesman and a noble man who has dedicated his life selling his household items. Rafael and Alejandra, who is a succesfull businesswoman, will suffer a car accident that will only... (Diva)
08.01 18:00
60 Min
Dok nas novac ne rastavi
Alejandra dolazi u svoju kuću s Isabelom te ima mnoštvo pitanja u vezi s Rafaelom i nesrećom. (DIVA)
08.01 18:00
60 Min
Until Money Do Us Part
Alejandra arrives at her house with Isabela, and has many questions regarding Rafael and the accident. (Diva)
08.01 18:00
60 Min
Dok nas novac ne rastavi
Kolumbijska telenovela "Dok nas novac ne rastavi" donosi priču o sudbinskom susretu dvoje potpunih stranaca koji pripadaju različitim društvenim slojevima. (DIVA)
08.01 19:00
60 Min
Dok nas novac ne rastavi
Kolumbijska telenovela "Dok nas novac ne rastavi" donosi priču o sudbinskom susretu dvoje potpunih stranaca koji pripadaju različitim društvenim slojevima. (DIVA)
08.01 19:00
60 Min
Dok nas novac ne rastavi
Mendez plaća preostale dugove. Leonor se žali jer više nema novca, no on je ignorira. (DIVA)
08.01 19:00
60 Min
Until Money Do Us Part
Mendez pays off outstanding debts. Leonor complains because there is no money left, but he ignores her. (Diva)