15.11 21:00
60 Min
Doktori za lice
Kamil je izgubio polovinu nosa i potrebna mu je pomoć protetičara Najdžela. Takođe, hirurg Vidžej spaja Dinovu razbijenu vilicu i jagodicu. (TLC)
15.11 21:00
60 Min
The Face Doctors
Kamil has lost half of his nose and needs prosthetist Nigel's help. Plus, surgeon Vijay pieces together Dean's shattered jaw and cheekbone. (TLC HD)
16.11 02:00
50 Min
Doktori za lice
Kamil je izgubio polovinu nosa i potrebna mu je pomoć protetičara Najdžela. Takođe, hirurg Vidžej spaja Dinovu razbijenu vilicu i jagodicu. (TLC)
16.11 02:00
50 Min
The Face Doctors
Kamil has lost half of his nose and needs prosthetist Nigel's help. Plus, surgeon Vijay pieces together Dean's shattered jaw and cheekbone. (TLC HD)
16.11 23:00
60 Min
The Face Doctors
After falling off a balcony, part of Alfie's skill is missing, and his brain is unprotected. Plus, Sue hopes an artificial eye will bring back her confidence. (TLC HD)
18.11 00:00
60 Min
The Face Doctors
Kamil has lost half of his nose and needs prosthetist Nigel's help. Plus, surgeon Vijay pieces together Dean's shattered jaw and cheekbone. (TLC HD)