09.03 21:30
20 Min
Boots gets Tico a Guayabera shirt in 'A Guayabera For Tico', then in 'Let's Get A Paleta', Dora returns three missing stars to their constellation. (S1, ep 11) (NickJr CRO.)
09.03 22:10
20 Min
Dora istražuje 7, ep. 1.
Animirani (Mini TV.)
10.03 01:10
20 Min
Dora helps Tio Tesoro find his treasure trackers in 'Tio Tesoro's Treasure', then in 'The Great Key Mystery', Dora investigates the Great Key Mystery. (S2, ep 13) (NickJr CRO.)
10.03 01:10
20 Min
Dora istražuje
Crtana serija o pustolovinama djevojčice Dore, njenog majmunčića Čizme i njenih brojnih prijatelja. U svakom nastavku gledatelji pomažu ovoj hrabroj sedmogodišnjakinji u njenim uzbudljivim avanturama. (Mini TV.)
10.03 03:00
25 Min
Dora istražuje, ep. 6.
Animirani (NickJr CRO.)
10.03 09:05
25 Min
Dora helps Tio Tesoro find his treasure trackers in 'Tio Tesoro's Treasure', then in 'The Great Key Mystery', Dora investigates the Great Key Mystery. (S2, ep 13) (NickJr CRO.)
10.03 09:30
20 Min
Boots gets Tico a Guayabera shirt in 'A Guayabera For Tico', then in 'Let's Get A Paleta', Dora returns three missing stars to their constellation. (S1, ep 11) (NickJr CRO.)
10.03 13:10
20 Min
Dora helps Tio Tesoro find his treasure trackers in 'Tio Tesoro's Treasure', then in 'The Great Key Mystery', Dora investigates the Great Key Mystery. (S2, ep 13) (NickJr CRO.)
10.03 15:00
25 Min
Isa's throwing a party where everyone will be dancing in 'The Rainforest Ritmo', then in 'The Magic Nut', Dora leads everyone into the Tricky Trappy Forest to recover Tico's magic nut. (S1, ep 7) (NickJr CRO.)
10.03 15:55
20 Min
Dora istražuje 7, ep. 1.
Animirani (Mini TV.)
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