03.03 10:50
55 Min
Dr. House III (18)
Ve vzduchu (Nova HD)
03.03 11:25
55 Min
Dr. House 4, ep. 14. serija
Drama (RTL HD.)
03.03 11:25
55 Min
Dr. House
House je uvjeren da jedan od glumaca (Jason Lewis) u njegovoj omiljenoj sapunici ima ozbiljan zdravstveni problem. Odluči stvari uzeti u svoje ruke, no njegov tim, ali i glumac, odbacuju upozorenja. (RTL Croatia)
03.03 11:40
60 Min
Dr. House
Egy látszólag teljesen egészséges 14 éves fiatal összeesik egy gördeszkás bemutatón. (AXN CE)
03.03 13:15
90 Min
Dramº (STAR Life)
03.03 13:15
50 Min
House M.D.
House vs God. House treats a charismatic 15-year-old faith healer who collapsed while preaching, only to find the boy's faith causes problems for the medical team. (STAR Life HD)
03.03 13:15
50 Min
Dr. House 2, ep. 19. serija
Drama (STAR Life.)
03.03 13:15
50 Min
House M.D.
House vs God. House treats a charismatic 15-year-old faith healer who collapsed while preaching, only to find the boy's faith causes problems for the medical team. (STAR Life HD)
03.03 14:05
50 Min
Dr. House III (17)
Pořad je opatřen audiodeskripcí (AD), skrytými titulky (ST). (Nova Gold)
03.03 14:05
50 Min
House M.D.
Euphoria - Part 1: A wounded police officer with uncontrollable laughter has House and the team baffled. Things get serious when Foreman starts showing the same symptoms. (STAR Life HD)