28.02 20:50
45 Min
Dr. House 4, ep. 10. serija
Drama (RTL2.)
28.02 21:05
50 Min
Dr. House
House i njegov tim, kojem su se pridružila tri novaka - Chris Taub, Lawrence Kutner i Thirteen, liječe ženu koja je doživjela iznenadnu paralizu ruku i ozlijedila kći koja ju je promatrala na. (RTL2.)
28.02 22:30
45 Min
Dr. House
Američka medicinska drama koja prati genijalnog, ali ciničnog i antisocijalnog doktora Gregorija Housea (Hugh Laurie). (RTL Crime)
28.02 22:30
45 Min
Dr. House 3, ep. 11. serija
Drama (RTL Crime.)
28.02 23:00
55 Min
House M.D.
House vs God. House treats a charismatic 15-year-old faith healer who collapsed while preaching, only to find the boy's faith causes problems for the medical team. (STAR Life HD)
28.02 23:00
55 Min
House M.D.
House vs God. House treats a charismatic 15-year-old faith healer who collapsed while preaching, only to find the boy's faith causes problems for the medical team. (STAR Life HD)
28.02 23:10
55 Min
Dr. House 2, ep. 19. serija
Drama (STAR Life.)
28.02 23:10
110 Min
Dramº (STAR Life)
28.02 23:10
55 Min
House M.D.
House vs God. House treats a charismatic 15-year-old faith healer who collapsed while preaching, only to find the boy's faith causes problems for the medical team. (STAR Life HD)
28.02 23:10
55 Min
House M.D.
House vs God. House treats a charismatic 15-year-old faith healer who collapsed while preaching, only to find the boy's faith causes problems for the medical team. (STAR Life HD)
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