04.02 12:55
55 Min
House M.D.
Occam's Razor. Dr. House is watching with great interest the symptoms of a schizophrenic woman. Medical tests point at a brain tumor but Dr. House thinks that something else is causing the trouble. (STAR Life HD)
04.02 12:55
55 Min
Dr. House, ep. 3. serija
Drama (STAR Life.)
04.02 12:55
55 Min
House M.D.
Occam's Razor. Dr. House is watching with great interest the symptoms of a schizophrenic woman. Medical tests point at a brain tumor but Dr. House thinks that something else is causing the trouble. (STAR Life HD)
04.02 12:55
115 Min
Dramº (STAR Life)
04.02 13:25
55 Min
Dr. House II (22)
Pořad je opatřen audiodeskripcí (AD), skrytými titulky (ST). (Nova Gold)
04.02 13:25
55 Min
Dr. House
Do nemocnice přivezou ženu s dítětem. Leželo pod vodou ve vaně ve chvíli, kdy jeho matka při společném koupání dostala záchvat. Později se matka přímo v nemocnici pokusí svého syna zabít. ()
04.02 13:50
55 Min
Dr. House, ep. 4. serija
Drama (STAR Life.)
04.02 13:50
55 Min
House M.D.
House is called to maternity when two newborn babies are infected by a mystery virus. As their condition worsens, House hits upon a theory that might identify the virus. (STAR Life HD)
04.02 13:50
55 Min
House M.D.
House is called to maternity when two newborn babies are infected by a mystery virus. As their condition worsens, House hits upon a theory that might identify the virus. (STAR Life HD)
04.02 14:00
60 Min
Dr. House II (9)
Podvod. Dr. Gregory House má skutočne nevyberané spôsoby. K pacientom si dovolí čokoľvek a z toho, čo si o ňom myslia iní ľudia, si veľkú hlavu nerobí. (WAU HD)