13.03 20:15
45 Min
Ancient Aliens
Hindu scripture describes an enormous flying creature called Garuda that shook the ground when it landed on Earth. Is it possible that this monster was actually a misinterpreted alien craft? (History 2.)
14.03 02:15
45 Min
Ancient Aliens
Hindu scripture describes an enormous flying creature called Garuda that shook the ground when it landed on Earth. Is it possible that this monster was actually a misinterpreted alien craft? (History 2.)
14.03 08:15
45 Min
Ancient Aliens
Hindu scripture describes an enormous flying creature called Garuda that shook the ground when it landed on Earth. Is it possible that this monster was actually a misinterpreted alien craft? (History 2.)
14.03 08:15
45 Min
Drevni vanzemaljci
Ako je verovati hinduističkim zapisima, ogromno leteće biće zvano Garuda protreslo je tle kada je sletelo na Zemlju. Da li je moguće da je to čudovište u stvari bilo vanzemaljski svemirski brod? (History 2)
14.03 14:15
45 Min
Ancient Aliens
Hindu scripture describes an enormous flying creature called Garuda that shook the ground when it landed on Earth. Is it possible that this monster was actually a misinterpreted alien craft? (History 2.)
14.03 14:15
45 Min
Drevni vanzemaljci
Ako je verovati hinduističkim zapisima, ogromno leteće biće zvano Garuda protreslo je tle kada je sletelo na Zemlju. Da li je moguće da je to čudovište u stvari bilo vanzemaljski svemirski brod? (History 2)
14.03 20:15
45 Min
Ancient Aliens
Aliens And Sacred Places: Experts explore evidence suggesting Mecca's Grand Mosque and Jerusalem's Temple Mount were the ancient meeting places of man and extraterrestrials. (History 2.)
14.03 20:15
45 Min
Drevni vanzemaljci
Da li su sveta mesta proizvod čovekovog obožavanja bogova ili rezultat kontakta sa drevnim svemirskim putnicima? Da li je čovek sreo božanska stvorenja na tim svetim mestima, ili drevne vanzemaljce? (History 2)
15.03 02:15
45 Min
Ancient Aliens
Aliens And Sacred Places: Experts explore evidence suggesting Mecca's Grand Mosque and Jerusalem's Temple Mount were the ancient meeting places of man and extraterrestrials. (History 2.)
15.03 02:15
45 Min
Drevni vanzemaljci
Da li su sveta mesta proizvod čovekovog obožavanja bogova ili rezultat kontakta sa drevnim svemirskim putnicima? Da li je čovek sreo božanska stvorenja na tim svetim mestima, ili drevne vanzemaljce? (History 2)