20.09 13:00
60 Min
Kindred Spirits
Amy and Adam examine two homes afflicted by the same entity. A cache of haunted objects is key to solving the case, but they belonged to different people. ()
21.09 01:10
30 Min
Doznavši da njihovi otmjeni novi susjedi, Beg-Chetwyndesovi, odavna polažu pravo na njihovo zemljište, Mike i Alison... (BBC First HD)
21.09 01:40
30 Min
Dok Mike i Alison razmišljaju o prodaji Button Housea hotelskom lancu, duhovi smišljaju razne planove za brzu zaradu... (BBC First HD)
21.09 05:00
60 Min
Kindred Spirits
Amy and Adam investigate the home of an author, where a ghost terrorises two girls. Is this connected to a murder that happened more than 100 years ago? ()
21.09 06:00
60 Min
Kindred Spirits
Adam and Amy investigate one of the most infamous places in America: The Lizzie Borden House. Is an evil presence still stalking the home? ()
21.09 07:00
60 Min
Kindred Spirits
Two parents and three kids are hit by fear. The spirit targets each child, and one has been strangled. The other two are visited at night. Are they next on the list? ()
21.09 08:00
60 Min
Kindred Spirits
Adam and Amy investigate the home of a former executioner who killed hundreds of criminals. Now something's trying to kill the current homeowner - but what? ()
21.09 09:00
60 Min
Kindred Spirits
Amy and Adam examine two homes afflicted by the same entity. A cache of haunted objects is key to solving the case, but they belonged to different people. ()
21.09 21:15
40 Min
Alison i Mike nastoje postići donekle usklađenu rutinu sa sablasnim sustanarima Button Housea i rade na novom... (BBC First HD)
21.09 21:55
40 Min
Nakon probančene noći, Alison i Mike pospremaju kuću radi razgledavanja prostora, a Alison pokušava otkriti zašto se... (BBC First HD)
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