12.03 03:00
60 Min
Dr Dubrow repara sanii lipiti ai unei femei transgen, dr Nassif repara un crater nazal si doctorii o primesc pe Blondie, care vrea sa devina papusa. - Sursa: media-press.tv (E! Entertainment)
12.03 03:00
60 Min
Dr Dubrow repară sânii lipiţi ai unei femei transgen, dr Nassif repară un crater nazal şi doctorii o primesc pe Blondie, care vrea să devină păpuşă. (E! Entertainment)
12.03 03:00
60 Min
Dr. Dubrow operates on a transgender woman's uni-boob, Dr. Nassif fixes a 24-year-old crater on a woman's nose and the Doctors meet Blondie who aspires to be a plastic doll. ()
12.03 03:00
60 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις Κ2 Ε19
DIS0019323575,2872424862,18 (E! HD)
12.03 03:00
60 Min
Dr. Dubrow operates on a transgender woman's uni-boob, Dr. Nassif fixes a 24-year-old crater on a woman's nose and the Doctors meet Blondie who aspires to be a plastic doll. (E!)
12.03 03:00
60 Min
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The Living Doll (E! Entertainment HD)
12.03 03:00
60 Min
(sua, 2015, s. reality show, sezonul 2, episodul 19) Papusa vie Cu:... (E!)
12.03 03:20
47 Min
Botched: Mokatut kauneusleikkaukset
(Ep 9:16/s7) (12) Reality, Yhdysvallat, 2021. (MTV3 HD)
12.03 04:00
60 Min
Αποτυχημένες Επεμβάσεις Κ2 Ε20
DIS0019323566,2872424862,19 (E! HD)
12.03 04:00
60 Min
Dr Dubrow reconstruieşte corpul a două surori lipite şi dr Nassif operează un bărbat înalt cu un nas mare. Doctorii se întâlnesc cu Penny Brown. (E! Entertainment)