15.03 16:37
3 Min
Easy Japanese
#13 I want to see the snow. (NHK WORLD)
15.03 16:37
3 Min
Easy Japanese
#13 I want to see the snow. / To say what you want to do, replace the "masu" ending of a verb with "tai desu." For example, "mimasu" (to see) becomes "mitai desu" (to want to see). ()
15.03 16:37
3 Min
Easy Japanese: 6022-013
#13 I want to see the snow. / To say what you want to do, replace the 'masu' ending of a verb with 'tai desu'. For example, 'mimasu' (to see) becomes 'mitai desu' (to want to see). (NHK WORLD-JAPAN)
15.03 16:37
3 Min
Easy Japanese: 6022-013
#13 I want to see the snow. / To say what you want to do, replace the 'masu' ending of a verb with 'tai desu'. For example, 'mimasu' (to see) becomes 'mitai desu' (to want to see). (NHK WORLD-JPN)
15.03 23:37
3 Min
Easy Japanese
#13 I want to see the snow. (NHK WORLD)
15.03 23:37
3 Min
Easy Japanese: 6022-013
#13 I want to see the snow. / To say what you want to do, replace the 'masu' ending of a verb with 'tai desu'. For example, 'mimasu' (to see) becomes 'mitai desu' (to want to see). (NHK WORLD-JPN)
15.03 23:37
3 Min
Easy Japanese
#13 I want to see the snow. / To say what you want to do, replace the "masu" ending of a verb with "tai desu." For example, "mimasu" (to see) becomes "mitai desu" (to want to see). ()
15.03 23:37
3 Min
Easy Japanese: 6022-013
#13 I want to see the snow. / To say what you want to do, replace the 'masu' ending of a verb with 'tai desu'. For example, 'mimasu' (to see) becomes 'mitai desu' (to want to see). (NHK WORLD-JAPAN)
16.03 06:37
3 Min
Easy Japanese
#13 I want to see the snow. (NHK WORLD)
16.03 06:37
3 Min
Easy Japanese: 6022-013
#13 I want to see the snow. / To say what you want to do, replace the 'masu' ending of a verb with 'tai desu'. For example, 'mimasu' (to see) becomes 'mitai desu' (to want to see). (NHK WORLD-JAPAN)
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