06.03 09:00
5 Min
Coffee Chat
Информационно предаване, Великобритания, In this episode, the characters will discuss various appliances used in the household, as well as help you learn new vocabulary. (English Club)
06.03 09:05
5 Min
Coffee Chat
Информационно предаване, Великобритания, In this episode, the characters talk about books and give you some new words that will become useful in your vocabulary. (English Club)
06.03 09:10
5 Min
Coffee Chat
Информационно предаване, Великобритания, In this issue, the characters will discuss the nuances of brewing tea and introduce you to a range of words to discuss the topic. (English Club)
06.03 20:00
5 Min
Coffee Chat
Информационно предаване, Великобритания, In this episode, the characters will discuss various appliances used in the household, as well as help you learn new vocabulary. (English Club)
06.03 20:05
5 Min
Coffee Chat
Информационно предаване, Великобритания, In this episode, the characters talk about books and give you some new words that will become useful in your vocabulary. (English Club)
06.03 20:10
5 Min
Coffee Chat
Информационно предаване, Великобритания, In this issue, the characters will discuss the nuances of brewing tea and introduce you to a range of words to discuss the topic. (English Club)
07.03 07:00
5 Min
Coffee Chat
Информационно предаване, Великобритания, The characters in this issue will argue about the new furniture you should buy for your home, as well as help you learn a number of new words on the subject. (English Club)
07.03 07:05
5 Min
Coffee Chat
Информационно предаване, Великобритания, In this episode, the characters will discuss the peculiarities of walking in the woods in autumn and help you remember a number of interesting new English words. (English Club)
07.03 07:10
5 Min
Coffee Chat
Информационно предаване, Великобритания, In this series, the characters will discuss the cat as a pet to help you remember a number of useful words that will come in handy when talking about your pet. (English Club)
07.03 07:15
5 Min
Coffee Chat
Информационно предаване, Великобритания, In this episode we talk about calling an ambulance for an injured person, as well as a number of new English words that will come in handy in conversation. (English Club)
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