22.12 20:47
130 Min
The Equalizer
Robert McCall comes out of retirement and finds his desire for justice reawakened. (HBO 2 HD)
23.12 06:00
60 Min
The Equalizer
Lost and Found--When a man claiming to have lost his memory wakes up behind a dumpster with a gun in his hand, McCall and the team follow a trail of clues to help uncover his whereabouts the night before. (AFN|spectrum)
23.12 06:00
55 Min
The Equalizer
(Ep 4:18/s3) (12) Drama, USA, 2022. (TV3+ HD (D))
23.12 06:55
55 Min
The Equalizer
(Ep 5:18/s3) Drama, USA, 2022. (TV3+ HD (D))
23.12 07:35
45 Min
The Equalizer Κ4 Ε6
DIS0018833795,7218639,5 (COSMOTE Series HD)
23.12 11:00
60 Min
The Equalizer
The Lost Ones--McCall races to rescue two siblings who run into trouble after stealing a grocery truck carrying firearms. Meanwhile, Harry and Delilah help Mel through her trauma in the aftermath of her kidnapping. (AFN|prime Pacific)
23.12 12:00
60 Min
The Equalizer Κ4 Ε7
DIS0018833822,7218639,6 (COSMOTE Series HD)
23.12 19:00
60 Min
The Equalizer
The Lost Ones--McCall races to rescue two siblings who run into trouble after stealing a grocery truck carrying firearms. Meanwhile, Harry and Delilah help Mel through her trauma in the aftermath of her kidnapping. (AFN|prime Atlantic)
23.12 23:25
135 Min
The Equalizer
24.12 01:35
130 Min
Bývalý člen elitní tajné vojenské jednotky předstíral svou smrt, aby mohl začít nový, poklidný život. Když však kvůli... (HBO2 HD)
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