14.03 05:15
45 Min
It makes up 16% of your weight and is the largest organ in the human body. From the delicate membranes that encased early life to thick, leathery hides, how has skin evolved? (History 2.)
14.03 05:15
45 Min
Ona čini 16% vaše ukupne težine i najveći je organ u ljudskom telu. Od nežnih membrana koje oblažu tek začeti život do debele, grube kože, kako je koža evoluirala? (History 2)
14.03 11:15
45 Min
It makes up 16% of your weight and is the largest organ in the human body. From the delicate membranes that encased early life to thick, leathery hides, how has skin evolved? (History 2.)
14.03 11:15
45 Min
Ona čini 16% vaše ukupne težine i najveći je organ u ljudskom telu. Od nežnih membrana koje oblažu tek začeti život do debele, grube kože, kako je koža evoluirala? (History 2)
14.03 17:15
45 Min
It doesn't just take willpower to survive, it takes guts. They help digest food, breaking it down into the fuel we need to stay alive, but how has this complex process evolved? (History 2.)
14.03 17:15
45 Min
Za preživljavanje nije dovoljna samo snaga volje, već su potrebna i creva. (History 2)
14.03 23:15
45 Min
It doesn't just take willpower to survive, it takes guts. They help digest food, breaking it down into the fuel we need to stay alive, but how has this complex process evolved? (History 2.)
14.03 23:15
45 Min
Za preživljavanje nije dovoljna samo snaga volje, već su potrebna i creva. (History 2)
15.03 05:15
45 Min
It doesn't just take willpower to survive, it takes guts. They help digest food, breaking it down into the fuel we need to stay alive, but how has this complex process evolved? (History 2.)
15.03 11:15
45 Min
It doesn't just take willpower to survive, it takes guts. They help digest food, breaking it down into the fuel we need to stay alive, but how has this complex process evolved? (History 2.)
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