04.01 19:00
60 Min
Extraordinary Humans
The Beast Man / Hawk-Eyes S01 E01. In this series Thom Hunt searches for people with genuine, real-life super-powers that push the known limits of the human mind and body. (INPLUS)
04.01 19:00
60 Min
Extraordinary Humans
The Beast Man / Hawk-Eyes ()
04.01 19:00
60 Min
Extraordinary Humans
The Beast Man / Hawk-Eyes S01 E01. In this series Thom Hunt searches for people with genuine, real-life super-powers that push the known limits of the human mind and body. ()
04.01 19:40
45 Min
Dogs With Extraordinary Jobs
The Lifesavers (Da Vinci HD)
04.01 20:00
60 Min
Extraordinary Humans
Наука, САЩ, 2015, The people Thom investigates in this episode claim to harness powers that it was thought existed only in the animal kingdom. (Inplus)
05.01 00:00
60 Min
Extraordinary Humans
The Beast Man / Hawk-Eyes S01 E01. In this series Thom Hunt searches for people with genuine, real-life super-powers that push the known limits of the human mind and body. ()
05.01 00:00
60 Min
Extraordinary Humans
The Beast Man / Hawk-Eyes S01 E01. In this series Thom Hunt searches for people with genuine, real-life super-powers that push the known limits of the human mind and body. (INPLUS)
05.01 01:00
60 Min
Extraordinary Humans
Наука, САЩ, 2015, The people Thom investigates in this episode claim to harness powers that it was thought existed only in the animal kingdom. (Inplus)
06.01 15:50
45 Min
Extraordinary Australia
Les forêts sauvages d'Australie E01. Sur l'île de Tasmanie, en Australie, les zones boisées constituent le dernier refuge des marsupiaux les plus rares de la planète : les chats mouchetés. (Arte HD)
07.01 15:50
45 Min
Extraordinary Australia
Les côtes sauvages d'Australie S01 E02. Dans le sud-ouest de l'Australie, de vastes baies abritent des centaines de milliers de saumons australiens. Plus au nord, les jeunes pousses de palétuviers attirent des wallabies. ()