11.03 12:45
30 Min
Драма, Австрия, 2020, 80-year-old retiree Arthur lives in a modest council home in Vienna. For quite some time he has lovingly been caring for his seriously ill wife Martha, with only female nurses assisting him. (FilmBox Arthouse)
11.03 12:45
30 Min
80-year-old retiree Arthur lives in a modest council home in Vienna. For quite some time he has lovingly been caring for his seriously ill wife Martha, with only female nurses assisting him. (FilmBox Arthouse)
11.03 12:45
30 Min
Arthur jest 80-latkiem i mieszka z chorą żoną w Wiedniu. W opiece nad kobietą zaczyna mu pomagać Fabiu, węgierski opiekun. To burzy codzienność małżonków, a w mężczyźnie z czasem budzą się nieznane wcześniej pragnienia. (Filmbox Arthouse)
11.03 12:45
30 Min
Short, Austria, 2020 (FilmBox Arthouse HD)