28.12 17:15
115 Min
Kursk: Prokletstvo dubina, film
Kursk (2018) Drama (CineStar TV 2)
28.12 17:24
24 Min
Otkrivamo Hrvatsku: Lastovo, dokumentarni film (engleska verzija)
(HRTInt. HD)
28.12 17:45
130 Min
Čovjek koji je ubio Don Quijotea, film
Man Who Killed Don Quixote, The (2018) Pustolovni (CineStar Comedy)
28.12 17:55
125 Min
Ljubimica Amerike, film
AMERICA'S SWEETHEARTS (2001) Komedija/Romantični (STAR Movies.)
28.12 18:00
60 Min
Adult movie
The action just got sense! The highlight of the emotional charge and great fun! Only for adults and brave! ()
28.12 18:00
60 Min
Adult movie
The action just got sense! The highlight of the emotional charge and great fun! Only for adults and brave! (Dusk! TV)
28.12 18:00
60 Min
Adult movie
The action just got sense! The highlight of the emotional charge and great fun! Only for adults and brave! (Reality Kings HD)
28.12 18:00
120 Min
Zvuk metala, film
SOUND OF METAL (2019) Drama/Glazbeni (Cinemax HD)
28.12 18:01
25 Min
Moj put: Nizozemska, dokumentarni film
(HRTInt. HD)
28.12 18:05
110 Min
Superhero Movie
A regular guy finds out that he possesses super powers after being bitten by a radioactive dragonfly. However, he soon realises that even though he is bitten by a dragonfly, he cannot fly. (SciFi HD)