23.01 17:00
90 Min
Focus 18 - 23 ianuarie
23.01 17:00
90 Min
La "Focus" aflati tot ce va intereseaza, de luni pana joi de la Andreea Fried, iar de vineri pana duminica, de la Melania Medeleanu, de la ora 18:00. - Sursa: media-press.tv (Prima TV)
23.01 17:00
30 Min
Fókuszban a horgászat
Ács József a Fishing and Hunting horgásztóra látogatott el, ahová egy napos pontyhorgászatra érkezett. Ha velünk tartotok, akkor a pontyok mellet, az új The One csalikkal is megismerkedhettek. (Fishing&Hunting)
23.01 17:20
40 Min
Informativni (TV Koper)
23.01 17:25
35 Min
Conversazione in studio con personalitŕ di spicco nazionali e straniere che, attraverso le proprie esperienze di vita, illustrano l'individuale visione del presente. (TV Koper)
23.01 18:30
30 Min
Focus on Africa
News, GB 2025. Focus on Africa is a BBC news program broadcast globally and on local partner channels of the BBC in African countries. (BBC News)
23.01 18:30
30 Min
Focus on Africa
The biggest African and international stories from the BBC. ()
23.01 18:30
30 Min
Το BBC στην Αφρική
DIS0019126728 (BBC News)
23.01 18:30
30 Min
Focus on Africa
(/s2025) News, United Kingdom, 2025. (BBC News)
23.01 18:30
30 Min
Focus on Africa
Новини, Великобритания, 2025, The biggest African and international stories from the BBC. (BBC News)