04.03 12:10
30 Min
Food Factory USA
Shriver's Salt Water Taffy hasn't changed in over a century; Coach Farm's cheese has a surprising connection to handbags; and Haviland Thin Mints. (Nat Geographic HD)
04.03 12:40
20 Min
Food Factory USA
Highliner makes millions of cod fillets each year; Peanut Chews, a nutty candy bar; and Moxie, a soda that spawned its own adjective. (Nat Geographic HD)
04.03 18:30
20 Min
Food Factory: ΗΠΑ Κ1 Ε5
DIS0019372065,6856481,4 (National Geographic HD)
04.03 18:30
20 Min
Food Factory USA
Cannoli & Cheese Balls ()
04.03 18:50
25 Min
Food Factory: ΗΠΑ Κ1 Ε6
DIS0019372066,6856481,5 (National Geographic HD)
04.03 18:50
25 Min
Food Factory USA
Chips & Lollipops ()
05.03 12:00
30 Min
Food Factory USA
Cheez Doodles bake 44,000 balls per minute; Golden Cannoli is the world's largest supplier of cannoli; beer is the magic ingredient in a BBQ sauce. (Nat Geographic HD)
05.03 12:30
30 Min
Food Factory USA
Find out the story of three favourites: Herr's kettle cooked potato chips, Dum-Dums Original Pops, and Joy Cones ice cream cones. (Nat Geographic HD)
05.03 18:30
20 Min
Food Factory: ΗΠΑ Κ1 Ε7
DIS0019372106,6856481,6 (National Geographic HD)
05.03 18:30
20 Min
Food Factory USA
Sliders, Salsa & Chocolate ()