13.03 12:00
30 Min
Food Factory USA
Discover the NASA astronauts' protein supply; watch raw sugar becoming Domino sugar cubes; and brownies are baked in a Ferris wheel-style oven. (Nat Geographic HD)
13.03 12:30
30 Min
Food Factory USA
Meet the famous cookies that make millions for charity, and visit the global headquarters of cheese-filled pretzel pockets. (Nat Geographic HD)
13.03 18:25
25 Min
Food Factory USA
Chocolate Pretzels & Jam ()
13.03 18:25
25 Min
Food Factory: ΗΠΑ Κ1 Ε20
DIS0019372398,6856481,19 (National Geographic HD)
13.03 18:50
20 Min
Food Factory USA 2
McMuffins & Manischewitz ()
13.03 18:50
20 Min
Food Factory: ΗΠΑ Κ2 Ε1
DIS0019372400,6894609,0 (National Geographic HD)
14.03 12:00
30 Min
Food Factory USA
Follow the incredible trajectory of Welch's Concord Grape Jam, and visit the factory that turns out delicious chocolate-covered pretzels. (Nat Geographic HD)
14.03 12:30
30 Min
Food Factory USA
Discover how to make Egg McMuffins; find out what it takes to farm and shuck oysters; and visit the home of America's top-selling kosher wine. (Nat Geographic HD)
14.03 18:30
20 Min
Food Factory USA 2
Sriracha & Tamales ()
14.03 18:30
20 Min
Food Factory: ΗΠΑ Κ2 Ε2
DIS0019372446,6894609,1 (National Geographic HD)