01.06 08:05
50 Min
Massive Engineering Mistakes
Mensen bouwen al 10.000 jaar. We zijn de bouwtechnische experts, maar toch gaat er elk jaar wel eens iets dat beleeft meer mislukte. Kijk mee hoe we bouwtechnische blunders analyseren en proberen te herstellen. (NGC HD)
01.06 22:00
55 Min
Massive Engineering Mistakes
There's tragedy in New Orleans as a hotel construction project crashes to earth, and also a catastrophic bridge collapse on a North Carolina college campus. (Viasat Explore HD)
01.06 22:55
60 Min
Massive Engineering Mistakes
A major freeway bridge is brought to its knees in a deadly disaster in Arkansas; in the UK, the Royal Air Force races to save a failing dam... and the town below it. (Viasat Explore HD)
01.06 23:30
60 Min
Massive Engineering Mistakes
California Flood Fiasco S06 E09. Mensen bouwen al 10.000 jaar. We zijn bouwtechnische experts, maar toch gaat er elk jaar wel eens iets mis. Kijk mee hoe we bouwtechnische blunders analyseren en proberen te herstellen. (NGC HD)
01.06 23:55
60 Min
Massive Engineering Mistakes
A suburban road collapses without warning in Texas, and what caused one of the deadliest disasters in US history to devastate a Kansas City hotel? (Viasat Explore HD)
02.06 00:55
55 Min
Massive Engineering Mistakes
One of the world's largest ships causes chaos in the Suez Canal in Egypt, and there's a narrow escape in Australia's capital as a construction project goes badly wrong. (Viasat Explore HD)
02.06 01:50
50 Min
Massive Engineering Mistakes
In Iowa, a small town's water tower build goes drastically wrong; a highway in Pittsburgh wipes out apartment buildings; in the UK, a nationwide highway project triggers major safety concerns. (Viasat Explore HD)
02.06 10:25
60 Min
Massive Engineering Mistakes
A dam goes up against Mother Nature - and loses - in Nebraska, an alpine ice rink roof collapses in seconds in Germany, and what caused a toxic wave to wash through a community in Tennessee. (Viasat Explore HD)
02.06 11:25
55 Min
Massive Engineering Mistakes
Towering flames destroy a national treasure in Glasgow, flooding devastates a farming community in New Zealand, and tragedy strikes in Texas after a fatal leak at a chemical plant. (Viasat Explore HD)
02.06 12:20
55 Min
Massive Engineering Mistakes
Catastrophe strikes a lakeside community in Canada as an oil train explodes in the heart of downtown, and what triggered a massive explosion that devastated a rural town in Nebraska? (Viasat Explore HD)
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