07.07 01:00
90 Min
Agatha Christie's Marple
Actress Marina Gregg and her film director husband Jason Rudd take up residence at Gossington Hall; at a drinks reception hosted by the glamorous couple, fan Heather drinks a poisoned cocktail. (Epic Drama HD)
07.07 01:00
90 Min
Gđica Marple
Jane Marple kao ostarjela usidjelica pomaže policiji u rješavanju misterioznih zločina počinjenih daleko od mirne... (Epic Drama HD)
07.07 02:30
90 Min
Agatha Christie's Marple
Miss Marple finds herself on the tropical island of St Honore; when fellow hotel guest Major Palgrave dies shortly after his arrival, Marple is unconvinced by the official verdict of a heart attack. (Epic Drama HD)
07.07 02:30
90 Min
Gđica Marple
Jane Marple kao ostarjela usidjelica pomaže policiji u rješavanju misterioznih zločina počinjenih daleko od mirne... (Epic Drama HD)
07.07 12:25
90 Min
Agatha Christie's Marple
Miss Marple finds her friend a job at nearby Greenshaw's Folly; when various members of the Folly are found dead, all are suspects, but none can imagine the secrets that Jane is about to reveal. (Epic Drama HD)
07.07 12:25
90 Min
Gđica Marple
Jane Marple kao ostarjela usidjelica pomaže policiji u rješavanju misterioznih zločina počinjenih daleko od mirne... (Epic Drama HD)
07.07 13:55
90 Min
Agatha Christie's Marple
Miss Marple investigates the downfall of an optimistic young couple who ignored the warnings of a gypsy and built a dream home on allegedly cursed land. (Epic Drama HD)
07.07 13:55
90 Min
Gđica Marple
Gđica Marple istražuje propast optimističnog mladog para koji je ignorirao upozorenja jedne ciganke i izgradio dom... (Epic Drama HD)
07.07 15:25
95 Min
Agatha Christie's Marple
When the mysterious body of a glamorous blonde is found in the library at Gossington Hall, Dolly Bantry knows she will need all the help that she can get to clear her husband Arthur's name. (Epic Drama HD)
07.07 15:25
95 Min
Gđica Marple
Kad u knjižnici u Gossington Hallu pronađu tijelo glamurozne plavuše, Dolly Bantry zna da će joj trebati sva moguća... (Epic Drama HD)
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