02.03 02:10
50 Min
Nuclear Crossroad: Future at Stake (NHK WORLD)
02.03 02:10
50 Min
Global Agenda
Debate show in which special guests, panelists who are experts in their fields, discuss about a variety of pressing issues that are affecting the modern world. They also try to offer some solutions for the discussed problems. ()
02.03 02:10
50 Min
Global Agenda: 2047-089
In-depth world discussion - global opinion leaders debate key issues facing our modern world and present solutions to help solve these concerns. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
02.03 02:10
50 Min
Global Agenda: 2047-089
In-depth world discussion - global opinion leaders debate key issues facing our modern world and present solutions to help solve these concerns. (NHK WORLD-JAPAN)
02.03 08:10
50 Min
Nuclear Crossroad: Future at Stake (NHK WORLD)
02.03 08:10
50 Min
Global Agenda
Debate show in which special guests, panelists who are experts in their fields, discuss about a variety of pressing issues that are affecting the modern world. They also try to offer some solutions for the discussed problems. ()
02.03 08:10
50 Min
Global Agenda: 2047-089
In-depth world discussion - global opinion leaders debate key issues facing our modern world and present solutions to help solve these concerns. (NHK WORLD-JPN)
02.03 08:10
50 Min
Global Agenda: 2047-089
In-depth world discussion - global opinion leaders debate key issues facing our modern world and present solutions to help solve these concerns. (NHK WORLD-JAPAN)
02.03 14:10
50 Min
Nuclear Crossroad: Future at Stake (NHK WORLD)
02.03 14:10
50 Min
Global Agenda
Debate show in which special guests, panelists who are experts in their fields, discuss about a variety of pressing issues that are affecting the modern world. They also try to offer some solutions for the discussed problems. ()
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