03.12 22:00
120 Min
Good Morning America
Up-to-the-minute news, weather, lifestyle and topical features. (AFN|prime Pacific)
04.12 22:00
120 Min
Good Morning America
Up-to-the-minute news, weather, lifestyle and topical features. (AFN|prime Pacific)
05.12 22:00
120 Min
Good Morning America
Up-to-the-minute news, weather, lifestyle and topical features. (AFN|prime Pacific)
06.12 22:00
120 Min
Good Morning America
Up-to-the-minute news, weather, lifestyle and topical features. (AFN|prime Pacific)
07.12 16:00
60 Min
Good Morning America Weekend Edition
Live (AFN|news)
08.12 22:00
60 Min
Good Morning America Sunday
Current events, live reports and celebrity interviews. (AFN|prime Pacific)
09.12 22:00
120 Min
Good Morning America
Up-to-the-minute news, weather, lifestyle and topical features. (AFN|prime Pacific)
10.12 22:00
120 Min
Good Morning America
Up-to-the-minute news, weather, lifestyle and topical features. (AFN|prime Pacific)
11.12 22:00
120 Min
Good Morning America
Up-to-the-minute news, weather, lifestyle and topical features. (AFN|prime Pacific)
12.12 22:00
120 Min
Good Morning America
Up-to-the-minute news, weather, lifestyle and topical features. (AFN|prime Pacific)