03.03 15:50
25 Min
Pete discovers a power that he never knew he had which brings him closer to his buddy Jay. (Star Channel HD)
03.03 15:50
25 Min
Pete discovers a power that he never knew he had which brings him closer to his buddy Jay. (STAR HD)
03.03 17:20
30 Min
Isaacs bruiloft S03 E10. Amerikaanse remake van de gelijknamige Britse serie over een jong koppel dat New York achter zich laat en hun intrek neemt in een bouwvallig landhuis dat bewoond wordt door geesten. (VTM 3)
03.03 20:30
28 Min
It's the End of the World as We Know It and What Were We Talking About? S04 E12. Amerikaanse remake van de populaire Engelse serie waarin een jong stel een oud landhuis met spoken erft. (Comedy Central NL)
03.03 21:15
20 Min
03.03 21:35
25 Min
04.03 05:35
50 Min
Komedi, fantazi (STAR)
04.03 05:40
20 Min
Pete discovers a power that he never knew he had which brings him closer to his buddy Jay. (Star Channel HD)
04.03 05:40
20 Min
Pete discovers a power that he never knew he had which brings him closer to his buddy Jay. (STAR HD)
04.03 06:00
35 Min
The Woodworm Men S03 E03. While Button House is being fumigated for woodworm, Alison and Mike decide to save some money and camp in the grounds, sending the ghosts' routines off kilter. (BBC First )