16.03 12:50
175 Min
Gospodar prstenova: Dvije kule
U drugom dijelu Tolkienove trilogije Frodo Baggins i drugi članovi Prstenove družine nastavljaju svoju svetu misiju... (HBO 2 HD)
16.03 12:50
175 Min
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Hobbits Frodo and Sam find their way to Mordor with the help of a strange creature. Meanwhile, the agents of evil, including the corrupted wizard Saruman, plan their attack from the Two Towers. (HBO 2 HD)
16.03 12:51
175 Min
Gospodar prstenova: Dvije kule, film
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) Pustolovni/Drama/Fantastika (HBO 2 HD)