25.09 17:55
65 Min
The Masters of the Reich
Hitler used confrontations between economic crises and street violence to provoke the need for more authoritarian power; the "ordinary man with political genius" became the 'Chancellor of Peace'. (Viasat History HD)
25.09 17:55
65 Min
Gospodari Reicha
Hitler je koristio napetosti između ekonomske krize i uličnog nasilja kako bi učvrstio svoju autoritarnu vladavinu. (Viasat History HD)
25.09 17:55
65 Min
Gospodari Reicha, ep. 1.
The Masters of the Reich Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
25.09 21:05
65 Min
Gospodari Reicha
Dokumentarna serija koja prikazuje Drugi svjetski rat u potpuno drugačijem svjetlu. (Viasat History SD)
25.09 21:05
65 Min
The Masters of the Reich
Decoding tools reveal exchanges between the Führer and his allies; Hitler morphs from political leader to military strategist; the masters of the Reich unleash a world war in seven years. (Viasat History HD)
26.09 18:00
60 Min
The Masters of the Reich
Decoding tools reveal exchanges between the Führer and his allies; Hitler morphs from political leader to military strategist; the masters of the Reich unleash a world war in seven years. (Viasat History HD)
26.09 18:00
60 Min
Gospodari Reicha
Dokumentarna serija koja prikazuje Drugi svjetski rat u potpuno drugačijem svjetlu. (Viasat History HD)
26.09 18:00
60 Min
Gospodari Reicha, ep. 2.
The Masters of the Reich Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
26.09 21:00
60 Min
Gospodari Reicha
Dokumentarna serija koja prikazuje Drugi svjetski rat u potpuno drugačijem svjetlu. (Viasat History SD)
26.09 21:00
60 Min
The Masters of the Reich
We look at the conversations at the heart of German power; the deciphering of archive images allows us to understand the motivations of the Nazi regime in their conquest of Europe. (Viasat History HD)
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