16.02 02:00
45 Min
The Engineering That Built the World
Two rival rail companies compete to create the most ambitious engineering project the world has ever seen, an unprecedented railway that crosses the American continent. (Viasat History HD)
16.02 12:05
55 Min
The Engineering That Built the World
Two rival rail companies compete to create the most ambitious engineering project the world has ever seen, an unprecedented railway that crosses the American continent. (Viasat History HD)
16.02 12:05
55 Min
Građevine koje su izgradile svijet
Dvije suparničke željezničke tvrtke natječu se u izradi najambicioznijeg inženjerskog projekta koji je svijet ikada... (Viasat History SD)
16.02 13:00
55 Min
The Engineering That Built the World
A little-known 19th-century French artist embarks on an impossible 20-year odyssey to build the tallest statue in the world and erects it on US soil. (Viasat History HD)
16.02 13:00
55 Min
Građevine koje su izgradile svijet
U 19. stoljeću, manje poznati francuski umjetnik krenuo je na nevjerojatnu 20-godišnju odiseju izgradnje najvišeg... (Viasat History SD)
16.02 13:55
50 Min
The Engineering That Built the World
Two master roadbuilders spend decades struggling to create a highway system that connects every city and town in America that becomes the greatest public works project in history. (Viasat History HD)
16.02 13:55
50 Min
Građevine koje su izgradile svijet
Dvojica vrhunskih graditelja cesta provela su desetljeća gradeći sustav autocesta koji je povezivao sve gradove i... (Viasat History SD)
16.02 14:45
55 Min
The Engineering That Built the World
Two nations - France and America - compete to build a path just 50 miles long that will connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; completing it will require overcoming every obstacle imaginable. (Viasat History HD)
16.02 14:45
55 Min
Građevine koje su izgradile svijet
Dvije nacije, Francuska i SAD, natječu se u izgradnji 82 kilometra dugog kanala koji će povezivati Atlantski i Tihi... (Viasat History SD)
18.02 21:00
55 Min
Građevine koje su izgradile svijet
Dvojica vrhunskih graditelja cesta provela su desetljeća gradeći sustav autocesta koji je povezivao sve gradove i... (Viasat History HD)