08.02 14:10
45 Min
Predator v Prey
A forensic look at how Nile crocodiles hunt, offering new perspectives on their precise tactics when ambushing herds of wildebeest and zebra. ()
08.02 14:10
45 Min
Grabljivac protiv plena
U ovoj epizodi forenzička analiza o tome kako krokodili love velik plen, kao što su gnuovi i zebre, daje novu perspektivu na krokodilsku strategiju napada iz zasede. (National Geographic Wild)
08.02 14:55
45 Min
Predator v Prey
A forensic look at how cheetahs hunt their prey, offering new perspectives on the tactics employed by these expert predators. ()
08.02 14:55
45 Min
Grabljivac protiv plena
Ova epizoda prikazuje kako gepardi love plen kao što su antilope i gnuovi. Epizoda otkriva kako vrhunski predatori uče tehnike lova. (National Geographic Wild)
08.02 15:40
45 Min
Predator v Prey
A forensic look at how lions hunt large prey like buffalo and zebra, offering new perspectives on the way these predators stalk, chase and kill. ()
08.02 15:40
45 Min
Grabljivac protiv plena
U ovoj epizodi forenzička analiza otkriva kako lavovi love plen kao što su bizoni i slonovi i kako ovi predatori prate, jure i ubijaju svoj plen. (National Geographic Wild)
09.02 00:00
45 Min
Predator v Prey
A forensic look at how cheetahs hunt their prey, offering new perspectives on the tactics employed by these expert predators. ()
09.02 00:45
45 Min
Predator v Prey
A forensic look at how lions hunt large prey like buffalo and zebra, offering new perspectives on the way these predators stalk, chase and kill. ()
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