08.10 14:05
50 Min
Cities of the Underworld
Don goes deep beneath the Great Lakes and explores flooded caves as he searches for evidence of a mysterious cave-dwelling society that may have been the first people to reach America. (Viasat History HD)
08.10 14:05
50 Min
Gradovi podzemnog sveta
Don ide duboko ispod Velikih jezera i istražuje poplavljene pećine u potrazi za dokazima o misterioznom pećinskom društvu u kome su možda bili prvi ljudi koji su stigli do Amerike. (Viasat History)
09.10 03:30
45 Min
Cities of the Underworld
Don goes deep beneath the Great Lakes and explores flooded caves as he searches for evidence of a mysterious cave-dwelling society that may have been the first people to reach America. (Viasat History HD)
09.10 07:05
50 Min
Cities of the Underworld
Don uses new mapping technology to expose the dark and deadly uncharted spaces beneath American cities. (Viasat History HD)
09.10 14:00
55 Min
Cities of the Underworld
Don uses new mapping technology to expose the dark and deadly uncharted spaces beneath American cities. (Viasat History HD)
10.10 13:50
50 Min
Cities of the Underworld
Don explores top-secret military and government tunnels and looks into classified technology that could be used to build entire cities right under our feet. (Viasat History HD)
10.10 13:50
50 Min
Gradovi podzemnog sveta
Don istražuje strogo poverljive vojne i vladine tunele i ispituje tehnologiju koja bi se mogla koristiti za izgradnju čitavih gradova pod našim tlom. (Viasat History)
11.10 14:00
55 Min
Gradovi podzemnog sveta
Don istražuje ogromne podzemne gradove u planinama Turske, koji su možda bili dom prve civilizacije na Zemlji. (Viasat History)
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