13.01 09:40
55 Min
Cities of the Underworld
Don follows the clues hidden underground as he searches for evidence of 10,000 Aztecs who fled Mexico and disappeared somewhere in America. (Viasat History HD)
13.01 09:40
55 Min
Gradovi podzemnog sveta
Don prati tragove skrivene pod zemljom i traži dokaze o postojanju 10 000 Asteka koji su pobegli iz Meksika i nestali negde u Americi. (Viasat History)
13.01 16:15
55 Min
Cities of the Underworld
Don follows the clues hidden underground as he searches for evidence of 10,000 Aztecs who fled Mexico and disappeared somewhere in America. (Viasat History HD)
13.01 16:15
55 Min
Gradovi podzemnog sveta
Don prati tragove skrivene pod zemljom i traži dokaze o postojanju 10 000 Asteka koji su pobegli iz Meksika i nestali negde u Americi. (Viasat History)
14.01 04:00
40 Min
Cities of the Underworld
Don follows the clues hidden underground as he searches for evidence of 10,000 Aztecs who fled Mexico and disappeared somewhere in America. (Viasat History HD)
14.01 04:00
40 Min
Gradovi podzemnog sveta
Don prati tragove skrivene pod zemljom i traži dokaze o postojanju 10 000 Asteka koji su pobegli iz Meksika i nestali negde u Americi. (Viasat History)
14.01 09:10
55 Min
Cities of the Underworld
Don goes deep beneath a Knights Templar stronghold in Turkey to explore a provocative theory that may link the fabled secret society to the founding fathers of America. (Viasat History HD)
14.01 09:10
55 Min
Gradovi podzemnog sveta
Don ide duboko ispod uporišta vitezova templara u Turskoj kako bi istražio provokativnu teoriju koja bi mogla povezati legendarno tajno društvo sa osnivačima Amerike. (Viasat History)
14.01 16:05
55 Min
Cities of the Underworld
Don goes deep beneath a Knights Templar stronghold in Turkey to explore a provocative theory that may link the fabled secret society to the founding fathers of America. (Viasat History HD)
14.01 16:05
55 Min
Gradovi podzemnog sveta
Don ide duboko ispod uporišta vitezova templara u Turskoj kako bi istražio provokativnu teoriju koja bi mogla povezati legendarno tajno društvo sa osnivačima Amerike. (Viasat History)