01.04 03:00
125 Min
Inspektor George Gently 2 (odc. 1)
Kiedy starszy mężczyzna zostaje zamordowany w swojej zniszczonej rezydencji, Gently i Bacchus badają historię dawnego domu dziecka - i wkrótce mają głównego podejrzanego. (Epic Drama HD)
01.04 03:35
95 Min
Inspektor George Gently 7, ep. 2. serija
Kriminalistički/Drama (Epic Drama.)
01.04 03:35
95 Min
Inspektor George Gently (2)
(Epic Drama HD)
01.04 03:35
95 Min
Inspektor George Gently
Viši inspektor George Gently, policajac sa snažnim osjećajem za pravdu, rješava zločine među dramatičnim brdima i... (Epic Drama HD)
01.04 03:35
95 Min
Inspector George Gently
Gently is intrigued as to why a woman has tragically died by suicide as there are too many details that don't add up, so he puts his career on the line to uncover who is really to blame. (Epic Drama HD)
01.04 16:55
60 Min
Inspektor George Gently (1)
(Epic Drama HD)
02.04 07:35
105 Min
Inspektor George Gently
Viši inspektor George Gently, policajac sa snažnim osjećajem za pravdu, rješava zločine među dramatičnim brdima i... (Epic Drama HD)
02.04 07:35
105 Min
Inspektor George Gently, ep. 1. serija
Kriminalistički/Drama (Epic Drama.)
02.04 07:35
105 Min
Inspector George Gently
Following the murder of his wife by a gangster, Inspector George Gently is pondering retirement; when he hears about the gangster attending a funeral of a murder victim, he delays his retirement. (Epic Drama HD)
02.04 07:35
105 Min
Inspektor George Gently (1)
(Epic Drama HD)
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