12.02 19:30
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
Reeling from a personal revelation, Murdoch seeks to avenge the murder of Anna Fulford; family is the one thing holding Brackenreid together as he resists pressure to resign from his job. (Epic Drama HD)
12.02 20:00
60 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
Murder Checks In S14 E05. The Murdochs investigate a series of murders at a country inn while on vacation; Crabtree and Higgins investigate a beheaded accountant in a community garden. (BBC First )
12.02 20:15
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
While investigating a stabbing, Murdoch and Brackenreid inadvertently discover spy Terrence Meyers' hidden civilian life. (Epic Drama HD)
12.02 21:05
40 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
Besuch aus dem Jenseits (ONE HD)
13.02 00:50
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
Die Wolke des Verderbens (ONE HD)
13.02 00:55
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
While investigating a stabbing, Murdoch and Brackenreid inadvertently discover spy Terrence Meyers' hidden civilian life. (Epic Drama HD)
13.02 01:40
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
When Higgins' sister-in-law is kidnapped, he's dispatched with the ransom and disappears, leading Murdoch to a manhunt. (Epic Drama HD)
13.02 01:40
45 Min
Murdoch Mysteries 15
The Lady Vanishes (Epic Drama HD)
13.02 14:45
65 Min
Murdoch Mysteries
Murder Checks In S14 E05. The Murdochs investigate a series of murders at a country inn while on vacation; Crabtree and Higgins investigate a beheaded accountant in a community garden. (BBC First )
13.02 16:30
40 Min
Murdoch Mysteries 15
Drawn in Blood (Epic Drama HD)
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