10.03 10:30
60 Min
Grantchester V (4)
James has to settle old scores both on and off the playing field when a familiar face returns to Darrowby, and Tristan and Siegfried must acknowledge their differences. (Epic Drama HD)
11.03 16:15
55 Min
Grantchester V (2)
Murdoch has handed in his badge in disgust over the questionable tactics and overreach of Inspector Edwards, who has replaced Brackenreid; meanwhile, Watts languishes in a cell on a hunger strike. (Epic Drama HD)
12.03 07:10
60 Min
Grantchester V (5)
(Episode #5.5), Když Will najde v boxerském ringu dva chlapce na pokraji smrti, musí se vyrovnat s vlastním podílem n... (Epic Drama HD)
12.03 14:25
55 Min
Grantchester V (5)
(Episode #5.5), Když Will najde v boxerském ringu dva chlapce na pokraji smrti, musí se vyrovnat s vlastním podílem n... (Epic Drama HD)
13.03 07:30
60 Min
Grantchester V (6)
(Episode #5.6), Na Jesus Green je nalezeno mrtvé tělo a stopy zavedou Willa a Geordieho do skličujícího kláštera, kde... (Epic Drama HD)
13.03 14:25
55 Min
Grantchester V (6)
(Episode #5.6), Na Jesus Green je nalezeno mrtvé tělo a stopy zavedou Willa a Geordieho do skličujícího kláštera, kde... (Epic Drama HD)