18.01 14:05
45 Min
Feeling more lost than ever, Sidney struggles to remember a murdered woman's final words; meanwhile, Geordie investigates a decaying slum that's connected to a deadly web of vice. (Epic Drama HD)
18.01 14:05
45 Min
Vikar Sidney Chambers i njegov nasljednik velečasni Will Davenport udružuju snage s inspektorom Geordiem Keatingom... (Epic Drama HD)
18.01 14:05
45 Min
Grantchester 4, ep. 2. serija
Kriminalistički/Drama (Epic Drama.)
18.01 14:05
45 Min
Grantchester (2)
(Epic Drama HD)
18.01 14:05
45 Min
Grantchester bûnei
Angol Sorozatok (2019.), 45perc (EPIC Drama HD)
18.01 14:05
45 Min
Simtindu-se mai pierdut ca oricand, Sidney incearca sa-si aminteasca ultimele cuvinte ale unei femei ucise. Geordie investigheaza o mahala infecta, unde exista o intreaga o retea criminala a viciului. - Sursa: media-press.tv (Epic Drama)
18.01 16:50
60 Min
S06 E06. When the leader of a student CND group falls to her death from a college building while staging a daring protest, Will and Geordie discover her demise is not as accidental as it first appears. (BBC First )
19.01 12:25
45 Min
Anxietatile lui Geordie legate de viitor ies la lumina cand un profesor moare intr-un laborator de computere superperformante, iar el ii cere ajutorul lui Leonard ca sa rezolve cazul. - Sursa: media-press.tv (Epic Drama)
19.01 12:25
45 Min
Grantchester (3)
(Epic Drama HD)
19.01 12:25
45 Min
Grantchester bûnei
Angol Sorozatok (2019.), 45perc (EPIC Drama HD)
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