04.12 14:00
45 Min
Grantchester 4
Drama series - Ep. 3 (Epic Drama HD)
04.12 14:00
45 Min
Geordie's anxieties about the future are brought to the surface when a professor dies at a cutting-edge computer laboratory, and he turns to Leonard for assistance with the case. (Epic Drama HD)
04.12 14:00
45 Min
Geordiejeve brige zbog budućnosti izlaze na površinu kad jedan profesor premine u vrhunskom računalnom laboratoriju,... (Epic Drama HD)
04.12 14:00
45 Min
Grantchester 4, ep. 3. serija
Kriminalistički/Drama (Epic Drama.)
04.12 14:00
45 Min
Grantchester IV (3)
Geordieho obavy z budoucnosti vyplují na povrch, když v nejmodernější počítačové laboratoři zemře profesor, a on se obrátí na Leonarda, aby mu s případem pomohl. (Epic Drama HD)
04.12 14:00
45 Min
Grantchester bûnei
Angol Sorozatok (2019.), 45perc (EPIC Drama HD)
04.12 14:00
45 Min
Grantchester (3)
(Epic Drama HD)
04.12 22:00
60 Min
Sidney Chambers is vicar of Grantchester; pushed into the dangerous world of lies, betrayal and murder, Sidney finds that he excels in his new position as 'detective'. (STAR Crime HD)
04.12 22:00
60 Min
Grantchester 9, ep. 3. serija
Kriminalistički/Drama (STAR Crime.)
04.12 23:25
50 Min
Krimi matineja: Grantchester (1), serija (12) (6/6)