19.02 01:15
70 Min
Grimm mesék - A halász meg a felesége
Klasszikus mesék gyerekeknek. Egyszer elment az öreg halász a tengerre, halászni. Hamarosan fogott egy gyönyörű szép, nagy pontyot. És csodák csodája egyszer csak megszólal a ponty: (Moziklub)
19.02 02:20
55 Min
Grimm 5 (odc. 3)
Nick i Hank chcą uratować Rosalee porwaną przez bandę sierot, które mają nadzieję, że kobieta zostanie ich nową matką. (SciFi HD)
19.02 02:20
55 Min
Rosalee's life is in danger when a group of orphaned Wesen children - Peter, Lily, Big John, and Miguel - in need of a mother-figure to guide them, decide that she fits the bill. (SciFi HD)
19.02 02:20
55 Min
Rosalee's life is in danger when a group of orphaned Wesen children - Peter, Lily, Big John, and Miguel - in need of a mother-figure to guide them, decide that she fits the bill. (SCI FI HD)
19.02 03:15
55 Min
While investigating an assassination attempt against nightclub owner Frankie Adkins, who was saved by a mysterious Wesen, Nick and Hank stumble onto an archaic Wesen tradition. (SCI FI HD)
19.02 03:15
55 Min
Grimm 5 (odc. 4)
Trzej młodzi mężczyźni walczą o fortunę pewnego bogacza i rękę jego córki. (SciFi HD)
19.02 03:15
55 Min
While investigating an assassination attempt against nightclub owner Frankie Adkins, who was saved by a mysterious Wesen, Nick and Hank stumble onto an archaic Wesen tradition. (SciFi HD)
19.02 04:10
55 Min
Nick brings a wounded Trubel to the hospital and finds three false IDs and a fingerprint-locked phone in her jacket. Trubel tells the nurse her name is Lauren Cole. (SCI FI HD)
19.02 04:10
55 Min
Nick brings a wounded Trubel to the hospital and finds three false IDs and a fingerprint-locked phone in her jacket. Trubel tells the nurse her name is Lauren Cole. (SciFi HD)
19.02 09:00
60 Min
Rosalee's life is in danger when a group of orphaned Wesen children - Peter, Lily, Big John, and Miguel - in need of a mother-figure to guide them, decide that she fits the bill. (SciFi HD)
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