03.12 00:45
25 Min
Német Sorozatok (2010.), 25perc (TV2 Kids)
03.12 04:35
25 Min
Német Sorozatok (2010.), 25perc (TV2 Kids)
03.12 10:00
60 Min
Silence of the Slams: A desperate Luchador turns to a Wesen mask-maker to help him win fights. The new mask gives him great power, but at a terrible cost. (SciFi HD)
03.12 10:00
60 Min
Grimm 5 (odc. 13)
Luchador, któremu dotąd nie bardzo się wiodło, otrzymuje upragnioną specjalną maskę, ma mu pomóc osiągnąć status gwiazdy. Niewłaściwe użycie maski prowadzi jednak to tragicznych konsekwencji. (SciFi HD)
03.12 10:00
60 Min
Silence of the Slams: A desperate Luchador turns to a Wesen mask-maker to help him win fights. The new mask gives him great power, but at a terrible cost. (SCI FI HD)
03.12 11:00
60 Min
On the first night of the full moon, a man on his way to visit his mother crashes his car, leaving him to walk three miles. The next day, Nick and Hank meet the driver... (SciFi HD)
03.12 11:00
60 Min
On the first night of the full moon, a man on his way to visit his mother crashes his car, leaving him to walk three miles. The next day, Nick and Hank meet the driver... (SCI FI HD)
03.12 11:00
60 Min
Grimm 5 (odc. 14)
W toku śledztwa dotyczącego ataków Nick i Hank dowiadują się o chorobie wesenów, wskutek której pełnia księżyca wprawia wilkołaki w szał. Eve dowiaduje się, że Czarne Szpony planują wykorzystać Seana. (SciFi HD)
03.12 18:00
60 Min
Hank and Nick suspect wesen of being involved in the death of a young woman who seems to have aged 70 years overnight; the duo turns to Rosalee for help in the investigation. (SCI FI HD)
03.12 18:00
60 Min
Hank and Nick suspect wesen of being involved in the death of a young woman who seems to have aged 70 years overnight; the duo turns to Rosalee for help in the investigation. (SciFi HD)
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