03.03 17:00
60 Min
The Son Also Rises: After Nick rushes to help Eve, Hank and Wu are left to investigate an attack on a group of scientists. (SciFi HD)
03.03 17:00
60 Min
The Son Also Rises: After Nick rushes to help Eve, Hank and Wu are left to investigate an attack on a group of scientists. (SCI FI HD)
03.03 17:00
60 Min
Grimm 6: odc.8
(SciFi HD)
03.03 18:00
60 Min
Tree People: Nick, Hank and Wu investigate a mysterious Wesen dedicated to protecting the environment at any cost. (SciFi HD)
03.03 18:00
60 Min
Tree People: Nick, Hank and Wu investigate a mysterious Wesen dedicated to protecting the environment at any cost. (SCI FI HD)
03.03 18:00
60 Min
Grimm 6: odc.9
(SciFi HD)
03.03 19:00
60 Min
Blood Magic: As Eve and Adelind investigate the mirrors, Nick makes a new discovery about the Wesen community after a murder at a nursing home. (SciFi HD)
03.03 19:00
60 Min
Blood Magic: As Eve and Adelind investigate the mirrors, Nick makes a new discovery about the Wesen community after a murder at a nursing home. (SCI FI HD)
04.03 02:00
60 Min
The Son Also Rises: After Nick rushes to help Eve, Hank and Wu are left to investigate an attack on a group of scientists. (SCI FI HD)
04.03 02:00
60 Min
Grimm 6 (odc. 8)
Zespół naukowców pada ofiarą niebezpiecznych ataków. Trwają dalsze badania nad skrawkiem materiału. Eve wciąż odczuwa skutki uścisku śmierci. (SciFi HD)