21.11 18:00
60 Min
Grimm 4: odc.21
(SciFi HD)
21.11 18:00
60 Min
US police fantasy hybrid drama series. The truth of Captain Renard's blackouts becomes clear. Nick calls Trubel back to Portland, while Juliette lures his mother Kelly too. (SciFi HD)
21.11 18:00
60 Min
US police fantasy hybrid drama series. The truth of Captain Renard's blackouts becomes clear. Nick calls Trubel back to Portland, while Juliette lures his mother Kelly too. (SCI FI HD)
21.11 19:00
60 Min
US police fantasy hybrid drama series. Consumed with revenge, Nick chases after Kenneth and Juliette to stop them from escaping back to Vienna with the royal baby. (SciFi HD)
21.11 19:00
60 Min
Grimm 4 (odc. 22)
Po odkryciu śmierci matki Nick postanawia zemścić się na winnych, posługując się Trubel. Tymczasem sojusz Juliette prowadzi ją coraz mroczniejszą drogą. (SciFi HD)
21.11 19:00
60 Min
US police fantasy hybrid drama series. Consumed with revenge, Nick chases after Kenneth and Juliette to stop them from escaping back to Vienna with the royal baby. (SCI FI HD)
21.11 19:00
60 Min
Grimm 4: odc.22
(SciFi HD)
21.11 21:35
25 Min
Német Sorozatok (2000.), 25perc (TV2 Kids)
22.11 00:45
25 Min
Német Sorozatok (2000.), 25perc (TV2 Kids)
22.11 04:35
25 Min
Német Sorozatok (2010.), 25perc (TV2 Kids)