23.11 05:30
30 Min
Jack Hanna's Passport
Jack Hanna travels around the world to discover some of Earth's most endangered species. (AFN|family)
24.11 05:00
30 Min
Jack Hanna's Into the Wild
Animal footage from around the globe. (AFN|family)
24.11 06:00
30 Min
Jack Hanna's Into the Wild
Animal footage from around the globe. (AFN|family)
24.11 11:50
135 Min
Šestnáctiletá Hanna, kterou otec vychoval jako dokonalého zabijáka, je vyslána na samostatnou misi. Tajně cestuje po Evropě a utíká před nemilosrdnými agenty tajné služby. (Filmbox)
30.11 05:30
30 Min
Jack Hanna's Passport
Jack Hanna travels around the world to discover some of Earth's most endangered species. (AFN|family)
01.12 05:00
30 Min
Jack Hanna's Into the Wild
Animal footage from around the globe. (AFN|family)
01.12 06:00
30 Min
Jack Hanna's Into the Wild
Animal footage from around the globe. (AFN|family)