03.03 23:30
60 Min
Hawaii 5.0
Cand Steve (Alex O' Loughlin) se intoarce acasa, in Honolulu, sa isi inmormanteze tatal ucis, i se ofera sansa de a conduce o noua unitate de elita a politiei. Echipa lui va fi pe faza la fiecare caz. - Sursa: media-press.tv (PRO ARENA HD)
03.03 23:30
60 Min
Hawaii 5.0
Cand Steve (Alex O' Loughlin) se intoarce acasa, in Honolulu, sa isi inmormanteze tatal ucis, i se ofera sansa de a conduce o noua unitate de elita a politiei. Echipa lui va fi pe faza la fiecare caz. - Sursa: media-press.tv ()
03.03 23:30
60 Min
Hawaii 5.0
(sua, 2010, s. politist) Cu: Alex O'Loughlin, Scott Caan, Cand Steve... (PRO ARENA)
03.03 23:50
55 Min
Hawaii Five-0
New & Exclusive: He Moho Hou (New Player): FBI profiler Alicia Brown is forced to join McGarrett in the hunt for the chess-piece killer when she finds a body in her bed. (STAR HD)
03.03 23:50
55 Min
Hawaii Five-0
New & Exclusive: He Moho Hou (New Player): FBI profiler Alicia Brown is forced to join McGarrett in the hunt for the chess-piece killer when she finds a body in her bed. (Star Channel HD)
04.03 00:45
55 Min
Hawaii Five-0
Hu a'e ke ahi lanakila a Kamaile (The Fire of Kamile Rises in Triumph): Alicia is convinced she has identified the chess piece killer, but Steve is more wary. (STAR HD)
04.03 00:45
55 Min
Hawaii Five-0
Hu a'e ke ahi lanakila a Kamaile (The Fire of Kamile Rises in Triumph): Alicia is convinced she has identified the chess piece killer, but Steve is more wary. (Star Channel HD)
04.03 15:20
55 Min
Hawaii Five-0
New & Exclusive: He Moho Hou (New Player): FBI profiler Alicia Brown is forced to join McGarrett in the hunt for the chess-piece killer when she finds a body in her bed. (STAR HD)
04.03 15:20
55 Min
Hawaii Five-0
New & Exclusive: He Moho Hou (New Player): FBI profiler Alicia Brown is forced to join McGarrett in the hunt for the chess-piece killer when she finds a body in her bed. (Star Channel HD)
04.03 16:15
55 Min
Hawaii Five-0
Hu a'e ke ahi lanakila a Kamaile (The Fire of Kamile Rises in Triumph): Alicia is convinced she has identified the chess piece killer, but Steve is more wary. (Star Channel HD)
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