03.03 19:00
60 Min
Hawaii Five-0
Steve McGarrett tengerészeti nyomozó visszatér Hawaii-ra és csatlakozik ahhoz az újonnan alakuló elit egységhez, amely arra hivatott, hogy a környék legkeményebb ügyeit megoldja. (Prime (SVT))
03.03 20:15
45 Min
Hawaii Five-0
Hochexplosiv (Universal TV)
03.03 21:00
45 Min
Hawaii Five-0
Dunkle Stunden (Universal TV)
03.03 21:45
45 Min
Hawaii Five-0
Alte Schule (Universal TV)
03.03 22:30
45 Min
Hawaii Five-0
Chicago (Universal TV)
03.03 23:50
55 Min
Hawaii Five-0
New & Exclusive: He Moho Hou (New Player): FBI profiler Alicia Brown is forced to join McGarrett in the hunt for the chess-piece killer when she finds a body in her bed. (Star Channel HD)
03.03 23:50
55 Min
Hawaii Five-0 7, ep. 3. serija
Akcija/Kriminalistički (STAR Channel.)
03.03 23:50
55 Min
Hawaii Five-0
New & Exclusive: He Moho Hou (New Player): FBI profiler Alicia Brown is forced to join McGarrett in the hunt for the chess-piece killer when she finds a body in her bed. (STAR HD)
04.03 00:00
60 Min
Hawaii Five-0
A'ale Ma'a Wau (Fish Out of Water) S04 E02. Het team helpt een Texas Ranger bij de zoektocht naar zijn vermiste dochter. Adam en Kono komen in de problemen en moeten vechten voor hun leven. (Play6)
04.03 00:45
55 Min
Hawaii Five-0
Hu a'e ke ahi lanakila a Kamaile (The Fire of Kamile Rises in Triumph): Alicia is convinced she has identified the chess piece killer, but Steve is more wary. (STAR HD)