12.03 18:22
45 Min
Hawaii Five-0 V ep.13
SERIE TV - Il tenente McGarrett e la squadra Five-O delle Hawaii proseguono la lotta al crimine, tra i casi di questa stagione: un drone assassino, il rapimento di una bambina, una sfida tra sicari, un serial killer maschera (Rai 4 HD)
12.03 19:00
60 Min
Hawaii Five-0
Steve McGarrett tengerészeti nyomozó visszatér Hawaii-ra és csatlakozik ahhoz az újonnan alakuló elit egységhez, amely arra hivatott, hogy a környék legkeményebb ügyeit megoldja. (Prime)
12.03 20:15
45 Min
Hawaii Five-0
Eine wie keine (Universal TV)
12.03 21:00
45 Min
Hawaii Five-0
Starke Nerven (Universal TV)
12.03 21:45
45 Min
Hawaii Five-0
Einstiche (Universal TV)
12.03 22:30
45 Min
Hawaii Five-0
Alte Meister (Universal TV)
12.03 23:50
55 Min
Hawaii Five-0
The Five-0 must once again engage in the twisted mind games of serial killer Dr. Madison Gray when she arrives at the HPD covered in blood that matches Alicia Brown's. (STAR HD)
12.03 23:50
55 Min
Hawaii Five-0
The Five-0 must once again engage in the twisted mind games of serial killer Dr. Madison Gray when she arrives at the HPD covered in blood that matches Alicia Brown's. (Star Channel HD)
12.03 23:50
55 Min
Hawaii Five-0 7, ep. 17. serija
Akcija/Kriminalistički (STAR Channel.)
13.03 00:45
55 Min
Hawaii Five-0
Steve and Danno locate the missing uranium in the middle of the jungle as part of a bomb and the pair must remove the unstable explosive before it goes off. (STAR HD)