05.03 18:00
55 Min
Hidden Traces
05.03 19:00
55 Min
Hidden Traces
With the help of on-the-ground investigation and thanks to many survivors' and historians' testimonies, this episode lets you discover this notorious conflict through a fresh perspective. (Docubox)
05.03 19:00
55 Min
Hidden Traces
The First World War: soldiers from at least 20 countries were plunged in the hell of trenches and caught under a deluge of bombs. (DocuBox HD)
05.03 22:25
55 Min
Hidden Traces
05.03 23:25
55 Min
Hidden Traces
The events of June 6, 1944 changed the course of WWII. Personal items unearthed in digs and the discovery of underground passages offer insight into the Normandy landings. (Docubox)
05.03 23:25
55 Min
Hidden Traces
"D-DAY" - June 6th 1944: Normandy landings Personal and daily items such as helmets, badges, bullets, weapons, cans have been uncovered by recent archeological digs. (DocuBox HD)