29.01 13:00
45 Min
History's Greatest Mysteries
Der Schrecken von Amityville (HISTORY Channel)
29.01 13:45
50 Min
History's Greatest Mysteries
Der Heilige Gral (HISTORY Channel)
30.01 13:00
45 Min
History's Greatest Mysteries
Das Rätsel um Flug 370 (HISTORY Channel)
30.01 13:45
50 Min
History's Greatest Mysteries
Die verschwundenen Kinder (HISTORY Channel)
30.01 21:05
50 Min
History's Greatest Mysteries
Die Tylenol-Morde (HISTORY Channel)
31.01 21:47
46 Min
History's Greatest Mysteries
Der heilige Gral Doku-Reihe, USA 2022 Altersfreigabe: ab 12 (Kabel Eins Doku HD)
31.01 22:33
39 Min
History's Greatest Mysteries
Der Schrecken von Amityville Doku-Reihe, USA 2022 Altersfreigabe: ab 16 (Kabel Eins Doku HD)
02.02 05:00
60 Min
History's Greatest Mysteries
The Search for Noah's Ark--It's one of the most famous stories from the Bible; for thousands of years the tale of Noah's Ark is shared, but little is known about what happened to the ark. (AFN|prime Pacific)
02.02 13:00
60 Min
History's Greatest Mysteries
The Search for Noah's Ark--It's one of the most famous stories from the Bible; for thousands of years the tale of Noah's Ark is shared, but little is known about what happened to the ark. (AFN|prime Atlantic)
09.02 05:00
60 Min
History's Greatest Mysteries
The Mysterious Havana Syndrome--In 2016, a mysterious illness strikes dozens of government officials in Cuba; hundreds more are afflicted. (AFN|prime Pacific)