09.03 07:00
45 Min
Home training
Фитнес, Франция, 2024, In this episode of Home Training, Guillaume and Sabrina lead a session centered on boxing and upper-body strength. (MyZen)
09.03 07:00
45 Min
Home training
Boxing training S04 E02. This episode of Home Training focuses on a boxing session, perfect for strengthening the upper body. Guillaume and Sabrina start with a targeted warm-up, focusing on the neck, shoulders, and back. ()
09.03 07:00
45 Min
Home Training 4
Boxing Training ()
09.03 07:00
45 Min
Άσκηση στο Σπίτι Κ4 Ε2
DIS0019486755 (MyZen TV)
09.03 09:30
45 Min
Home training
Thigh abs buttocks 2 S04 E05. In this episode, Guillaume and Sabrina offer an intense thighs-abs-glutes session. With variations and movements, the exercises effectively target the quadriceps for optimal muscle strengthening. ()
09.03 09:30
45 Min
Άσκηση στο Σπίτι Κ4 Ε5
DIS0019486796 (MyZen TV)
09.03 09:30
45 Min
Home Training 4
Thigh, Abs, Buttocks 1 ()
09.03 09:30
45 Min
Home training
Фитнес, Франция, 2024, In this episode, Guillaume and Sabrina lead a lower-body workout focusing on thighs, abs, and glutes. (MyZen)
09.03 16:05
45 Min
Home Training 4
Cardio Training 1 ()
09.03 16:05
45 Min
Home training
Фитнес, Франция, 2024, In this episode, Guillaume and Sabrina lead a cardio training session. With exercises like high knees, lunges, and quick movements, they get you sweating while improving your endurance. (MyZen)
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