03.03 23:15
55 Min
House Rules - Pravidla renovace I (7)
03.03 23:20
50 Min
Dr. House
Američka medicinska drama koja prati genijalnog, ali ciničnog i antisocijalnog doktora Gregorija Housea (Hugh Laurie). (RTL Crime)
03.03 23:20
50 Min
Dr. House 3, ep. 18. serija
Drama (RTL Crime.)
03.03 23:20
50 Min
Dr House
La carotte ou le bâton S07 E10. Un jeune délinquant et son instructeur développent les mêmes symptômes étranges. Chase recherche la femme qui vient de l'humilier sur un réseau social. (AB1)
03.03 23:21
45 Min
Dr House
(La Carotte ou le bâton), 2004, avec Omar EPPS, Robert sean LEONARD, Hugh LAURIE, Lisa EDELSTEIN, Jesse SPENCER, Charlyne YI (AB1)
03.03 23:35
30 Min
House Hunters - Poszukiwacze domów 7: odc.2
03.03 23:50
55 Min
Dr. House 2, ep. 22. serija
Drama (STAR Life.)
03.03 23:50
55 Min
House M.D.
Forever. House and his team of experts have to fight to keep a young mother and her baby alive. An epileptic seizure, at the moment she had been bathing her baby, almost ended in tragedy. (STAR Life HD)
03.03 23:50
55 Min
House M.D.
Forever. House and his team of experts have to fight to keep a young mother and her baby alive. An epileptic seizure, at the moment she had been bathing her baby, almost ended in tragedy. (STAR Life HD)
04.03 00:09
57 Min
Forever S02 E22. Een jonge moeder krijgt een toeval terwijl ze haar kind in bad doet, waardoor haar zoontje bijna verdrinkt. Wanneer moeder en kind beide complicaties krijgen, moet House er alles doen om ze te redden. (RTL8 HD)