20.10 14:40
65 Min
II. svjetski rat: Cijena Carstva, ep. 6.
World War II: The Price of Empire Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
20.10 14:40
65 Min
II. svjetski rat: cijena Carstva
Ovo je priča o tome kako se svijet koji se razvijao stoljećima sasvim promijenio u ratnim godinama. (Viasat History HD)
20.10 14:40
65 Min
World War II: The Price of Empire
Japanese troops occupy Southern Vietnam and Cambodia, but the day that changes the war comes on December 7th when Japanese aircraft attack the American Pacific Fleet at anchor in Pearl Harbor. (Viasat History HD)
20.10 15:45
65 Min
II. svjetski rat: Cijena Carstva, ep. 7.
World War II: The Price of Empire Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
20.10 15:45
65 Min
II. svjetski rat: cijena Carstva
Japan vrlo učinkovito raspiruje rat na Istoku, no unatoč njegovu uspjehu, moguće je predosjetiti njegov neizbježni... (Viasat History HD)
20.10 15:45
65 Min
World War II: The Price of Empire
Japan's escalation of the War in the East is devastatingly effective, but despite their success it is possible to see their inevitable defeat, and they have roused the military might of the USA. (Viasat History HD)
20.10 16:50
65 Min
II. svjetski rat: Cijena Carstva, ep. 8.
World War II: The Price of Empire Dokumentarni (Viasat History SD)
20.10 16:50
65 Min
II. svjetski rat: cijena Carstva
Ovo je priča o tome kako se svijet koji se razvijao stoljećima sasvim promijenio u ratnim godinama. (Viasat History HD)
20.10 16:50
65 Min
World War II: The Price of Empire
The war turns in favour of the Allies. Montgomery turns the tables on the Afrika Corps at El Alamein, the Japanese are defeated at Guadalcanal and the Germans are defeated at Stalingrad. (Viasat History HD)
20.10 17:55
60 Min
World War II: The Price of Empire
The Allied leaders meet for their first conference to discuss the coordination of their efforts, a Japanese Division is destroyed at sea, and the Red Army begins its advance towards Berlin. (Viasat History HD)
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