Soprano Ana Carolina Coutinho (Brazil, 1993) and pianist Megumi Kuroda (Japan, 1989) perform Franz Schubert's Die Blumensprache, D. 519; 'Sonnenuntergang' from Viktor Ullmann's Drei Hölderlin-Lieder; 'Verschwiegene Liebe' from Hugo Wolf's Eichendorff-Lieder; 'Il vole' and 'Fleurs' from Francis Poulenc's Fiançailles pour rire, FP 101; 'Wasserrose' from Richard Strauss's Mädchenblumen, Op. 22; Ksaku Yamada's ; ;and Bart Visman's Vermeer's Gold, during the semi-finals of the International Vocal Competition 2021 - Lied Duo. This performance was recorded at Het Noordbrabants Museum in 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands.