13.03 02:40
45 Min
Ice Road Rescue: Highway Havoc!
Stakes are high when costly cargo is on the line. Jo Roger must protect a river, Bjoern saves expensive salmon, and Torstein rescues pricey equipment. (Nat Geographic HD)
13.03 02:45
45 Min
Ice Road Rescue: Highway Havoc!
Stakes are high when costly cargo is on the line. Jo Roger must protect a river, Bjoern saves expensive salmon, and Torstein rescues pricey equipment. (Nat Geographic HD)
13.03 17:00
60 Min
Ice Road Rescue: Highway Havoc!
The best ideas are born under pressure! Thord calls a friend with a crane, Jo Roger uses excavator pulling power, and Bjoern needs his own tractor. (Nat Geographic HD)
14.03 02:40
45 Min
Ice Road Rescue: Highway Havoc!
The best ideas are born under pressure! Thord calls a friend with a crane, Jo Roger uses excavator pulling power, and Bjoern needs his own tractor. (Nat Geographic HD)
16.03 15:00
60 Min
Ice Road Rescue: Highway Havoc
(Ep 2:4/s7) Reality, Norge, 2024. (National Geographic HD (N))